Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
Pelvic floor muscle exercises / kegels are proven to be very effective in treating a wide variety of pelvic health problems.
Routine examination of the pelvic floor is recommended before a supervised pelvic floor muscle training program is commenced (NICE 2013). Our highly experienced and specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapists can complete this at one of your initial appointments, and review your progress as appropriate throughout your treatment.
Following examination you will be prescribed a specific program to improve your pelvic floor activity. This will be individual to you and your symptoms, and will be adapted and progressed at regular intervals based on the training effect. Exercises may involve working on either/both strengthening/relaxing the muscles, depending on your symptoms, and may incorporate the use of manual therapy, biofeedback, NMES, vaginal weights. All treatment is tailored to your requirements using best clinical evidence. You are welcome to ask as many questions as needed and all decisions on treatment are made based on your informed preferences.
Soft Tissue Release
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
Bladder Retraining
In keeping with National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines, bladder training is recommended as a ‘first line’ treatment for OAB. Our therapists will carry out a series of assessments to identify your current bladder habits. This may involve the completion of a bladder diary. You will be advised on lifestyle, physical and behavioural methods to improve bladder control, often alongside other treatments for the pelvic floor. You may be taught techniques to ensure your bladder is emptying effectively and we will liaise closely with your consultant or GP if you require any additional investigations or medical support.
If you are experiencing pelvic pain, acupuncture may be used to help in treating this.
There is also some evidence to suggest that acupuncture can help to relieve symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB), and although not the ‘first line of treatment’ this can be a good alternative to patients who are unable to take bladder medication due to their interaction with other medical conditions or medications they may be taking, or those who cannot tolerate their side effects.
Lauren is fully qualified in acupuncture and is a member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP). She would be happy to discuss acupuncture as a treatment option if you think this may benefit you.
Postnatal Check-Up and Recovery
Pessary Assessments
There is a common misconception that pessaries are only used by older women, and few women know this is a valid conservative option for them. Pessaries can be used by all adult age groups, whether that be all of the time, or intermittently for exercise, and there are a huge variety of types and sizes to suit each individual’s needs.
Both of our Women’s Health Physiotherapists are trained and experienced in assessing and fitting several different types of vaginal pessary for the treatment of prolapse and urinary stress incontinence. We stock different types and sizes and offer a pessary trial service to see whether you may benefit. We work closely with your consultant or GP and can request certain pessaries on prescription. If this is not available or you choose to purchase one independently we can advise on type and suppliers of pessaries to suit your requirements.